
magicpay avatar image
magicpay asked keithdelapaz commented

Custom content not printing on Paper Receipt on Clover Flex DevKit

We have built an app that is printing dynamic text on the bottom of every receipt.

The email and text receipts work fine.

On Emulator, I am able to see everything working fine.

We bought a Clover Flex DevKit and installed our app on it.

On the Clover Flex DevKit it does not print the dynamic text on the paper receipt, it only works in email and text receipts.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Sample of Sandbox Online Receipt (showing our content on the bottom):

Sample of Paper Receipt - missing the IVU Control Number

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magicpay avatar image magicpay commented ·

Sorry I missed the image, see attached here.

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receipt.jpeg (509.5 KiB)
Jeffrey Blattman avatar image Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ commented ·

I assume you are using smart receipts. One thing to keep in mind is that developer app data syncs to the device only 1x per day so there could be a delay in see the change on the device's receipts.

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magicpay avatar image magicpay Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ commented ·

Hello Jeffrey,

Yes, we are using SmartReceipts. We were successful at putting a QR Code dynamically with that, however, we are not successful at putting a dynamic text.

We need to be able to print a unique identification number for every receipt, this identification number is pulled from our server for every transaction.

What do you suggest we do to have the dynamic text?

I read about ReceiptRegistrationConnector, however, it says that it does not support online receipts, only printed receipt. Is there any solution for both?

Thank you.

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1 Answer

Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered keithdelapaz commented

Smart Receipts, and ReceiptRegistrationConnector are what we have. ReceiptRegistrationConnector is largely undocumented because of the limitations you noted: doesn't work for web receipts.

I think your best option is to have static text, that directs the user to go to the URL (or scan the code), then provide more information at that URL. The URL is parameterized such that it can be passed the order, payment, ID so you can lookup whatever details you need at the service hosted at the URL.

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hardikadroja510 avatar image hardikadroja510 commented ·

We want to add dynamic text (Text will come from our server) into footer In the paper receipt. Can we use any Intent action which work before print receipt and add to text in receipt and then after receipt print

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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ hardikadroja510 commented ·

ReceiptRegistrationConnector can be used to add dynamic text. Unfortunately the samples for which were removed from the SDK. As I mentioned it's largely undocumented because of its limitations. We recommend you use Smart Receipts.

You definitely won't be able to dynamically fetch data from your server at the time the receipt is printed because that's going to take too long and delay printing of the receipt. The mechanism gives you 2 seconds to return content, which will fail in a lot of cases due to less than optimal network conditions. You'd need to cache the content, or otherwise have the logic to generate it locally on the device.

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magicpay avatar image magicpay Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ commented ·

Thank you!

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keithdelapaz avatar image keithdelapaz commented ·

One thing to keep in mind is that there can be a delay before updates show up on the device's receipts because the developer app data only syncs once a day. slope game

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