We are developing a custom tender and would like to disable some capabilities if the user has disabled cash as a tender type on their device.
How can you determine if the user has disabled cash tender on their Clover Station 2018?
We are developing a custom tender and would like to disable some capabilities if the user has disabled cash as a tender type on their device.
How can you determine if the user has disabled cash tender on their Clover Station 2018?
You can use the TenderConnector in the clover-android-sdk.
Docs are here: https://github.com/clover/clover-android-sdk/blob/master/clover-android-sdk/src/main/aidl/com/clover/sdk/v1/tender/ITenderService.aidl
The TenderConnector is here: https://github.com/clover/clover-android-sdk/blob/master/clover-android-sdk/src/main/java/com/clover/sdk/v1/tender/TenderConnector.java
Note that the returned Tender object has a getEnabled() method which returns false if the tender is disabled.
Thank you - I wrote something like this in kotlin - this uses label, but I saw in another example you could use labelkey
fun checkTenderStatus(tenderConnector: TenderConnector, tenderLabel: String): TenderStatus { val success = tenderConnector.connect() var result: TenderStatus = TenderStatus.Fail(Exception("Check Status Failed.")) if (success) { val tenders = tenderConnector.tenders val tender = tenders.find { it.label == tenderLabel } if (tender != null) { result = if (tender.enabled) { TenderStatus.Enabled } else { TenderStatus.NotEnabled } } else { result = TenderStatus.NotRun } } tenderConnector.disconnect() return result }
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