
sdesai avatar image
sdesai asked sdesai commented

ecommerce order pay preauth

When we're calling the capture setting on the created charge is always set to true. Is there a way to set this to false so tips can be added in store? Alternatively is there a way to tie a charge to an order?

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered sdesai commented

No, tips cannot be added in store, if you want to accept a tip, you need to do it at the time of the charge (tip_amount on CreateChargeRequest). Yes, there is a way to tie a charge to an order, please see -

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sdesai avatar image sdesai commented ·

Is that planned for a later release? This is different then how the old payments API worked. The other problem is the tip line is still being printed on the customer receipt even though tips can't be added on just orders paid online now.

I meant can a separate charge ( be tied to an existing order. So for example we could create a charge (capture = false) and apply that to an order in a separate call. This would also let us make sure a payment is valid before creating an order in Clover.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ sdesai commented ·

I don't believe this is planned. "even though tips can't be added on just orders paid online now." Tips can be added on the online charge.

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sdesai avatar image sdesai David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Yes, 90% of our tips are added online but we're concerned about the 10% where someone spends 30 minutes delivering food and gets a signed receipt with a tip added. Every dollar matters to restaurant owners and employees right now.

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