
adamd avatar image
adamd asked Nicholas Ho answered

Can you update an Order Type through the Order Connector?

So we trying to update the order type of an order through the clover sdk.

We can do this through the Rest Api by using the following api call.






But we want to do this using the order connector. We have tried doing something similar to this.

OrderConnector mOrderConnector = new OrderConnector(context, AccountData.sAccount, null);
OrderType orderType = new OrderType();

mOrders being a a list of orders retrieved from the sdk.

We are not getting any error messages or exceptions being thrown. Can we actually do this via the order connector?

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1 Answer

Nicholas Ho avatar image
Nicholas Ho answered

You can use the json object of the orderType from our REST API (/v3/merchants/mId/order_types/orderTypeId) and create an orderType object by passing it in as a string:

Then use that to set the order type on your order with setOrderType the update it with the order connector.

Since order types can affect the tax on an order, you cannot update the order type on an order that is already locked.

// Set OrderType where orderId is a string of the order ID
// and json is a JSONObject created from a string of the JSON
Order order = mOrderConnector.getOrder(orderId);
OrderType orderType = new OrderType(json);

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