
smartpaysupport avatar image
smartpaysupport asked smartpaysupport answered

Sharing CC Token & Profile (email) across MIDs

Like Square does, when a cardholder makes a purchase at ABC Merchant and uses a cc ending in xxxx 1234 and provides his/her email address for receipt, Square stores the card data for the card xxxx 1234.

Then the same cardholder visits XYZ Merchant use the same card xxxx 1234. Since Square has the card number stored and knows it's associated with his/her email address, the card holder doesn't (again) need to enter their email address and the receipt is send to the cardholder (without the need to enter it again).

Is this same functionality supported by Clover?

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smartpaysupport avatar image smartpaysupport commented ·

@Jeffrey Blattman or @David Marginian can I get an answer on this?


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1 Answer

smartpaysupport avatar image
smartpaysupport answered

I have confirmed that this feature is not supported at this time.

10 |2000

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