
psiebels avatar image
psiebels asked David Marginian answered

Do all payment integrations requirte develper account, app submission, oath

We would like to use the merchant's clover account as payment gateway for transactions occurring through a website. What is the simplest way to accomplish this?

- do all integrations that would like to process a payment require oauth

- do we therefore need to have an app that has been submitted and approved so that oauth will be allowed?

- if so is there a way to make this application not available to the entire clover community, as the only people it will be useful to will be users of our website?

- do the OAuth tokens have an expiry?

REST APIOAuthDeveloper Pay API
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered
- do all integrations that would like to process a payment require oauth

Yes, for card-not-present payments, via our REST API (ecomm, Developer pay), you will need an oauth token.

 do we therefore need to have an app that has been submitted and approved so that oauth will be allowed?

Yes, without the app being publicly available the merchant will be unable to install your app and grant it access.

- if so is there a way to make this application not available to the entire clover community, as the only people it will be useful to will be users of our website?

Not currently, you can contact for more information.

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