We are doing this on CloverAPI testing Sandbox to eliminate our app as source of bugs.
Our intent to to create a charge that is a SALE. So during Create Charge call, we set capture=true.
The return value of create charge shows captured=true. But Get a charge does not show captured = true.
Can you please advice if this is a bug.
Create Charge: { "amount": 5100, "currency": "usd", "capture": true, "externalReferenceId": "PR0077000431", "description": "ssgha", "source": "clv_1TSTSJRmPH3Eex87BU38gBYK" } Response: { "id":"NJDEDWW9600Y2" "amount":5100 "amount_refunded":0 "currency":"usd" "created":1585169694308 "description":"ssgha" "captured":true "outcome":{ "network_status":"approved_by_network" "type":"authorized" } "paid":true "status":"succeeded" "source":{ "id":"clv_1TSTSJRmPH3Eex87BU38gBYK" "brand":"DISCOVER" "cvc_check":"pass" "exp_month":"12" "exp_year":"2031" "last4":"6668" } } Get Charge: https://scl-sandbox.dev.clover.com/v1/charges/NJDEDWW9600Y2 { "id":"NJDEDWW9600Y2" "amount":5100 "currency":"usd" "created":1585169796834 "description":"ssgha" "captured":false "order":"R0MGC0T46ASRC" "outcome":{ "network_status":"approved_by_network" "risk_level":"normal" "risk_score":10 "type":"authorized" } "paid":true "status":"succeeded" "source":{ "id":"clv_1TSTSJRmPH3Eex87BU38gBYK" "brand":"DISCOVER" "last4":"6668" } } In Sandbox Merchant Dashboard: PAYMENT DETAILS Payment ID: NJDEDWW9600Y2 Invoice Number: PR0077000431 Created: 25-Mar-2020 1:54 pm Tender: Credit Card Note: ssgha TOTAL Payment Amount: $51.00 Tax Amount: $0.00 CARD TRANSACTION INFORMATION Card Details: DISCOVER - 6668 Card Entry Method: KEYED Card Transaction Type: AUTH Card Transaction State: CLOSED MID: RCTST0000008099 AUTH: OK0026 REF: 008500500190 CVM: