
aneesh avatar image
aneesh asked smith439 answered

How can we get age verification information in Order service.?

Do we have an option to get age verification information in order service.

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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered aneesh commented

Age verification isn't a first-class concept in our data model; there's no "age verified" field on an order. There are some apps in our app market that introduce age verification into the order / payment flow. E.g.,

It's not clear if you are asking as a merchant or a developer here, and if you are a developer what specifically you are thinking. If you give more specifics I might be able to provide a better answer.

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aneesh avatar image aneesh commented ·

I am a developer.

Actually i want to get a list items/orders that require age verification (cigarette,alcohol) but doesn't validate the age of a customer.

Also i need the validated field (eg: DOB) for finding out the repeated count. (eg: If the cashier entering his own or same DOB for the transaction )

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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ aneesh commented ·

Okay. Like I said the concept of age verification doesn't exist in our platform. There are a few possible ways you could implement it. For example, add a "requires age verification" label to items that require age verification. Implement an order modification plugin (see ACTION_MODIFY_ORDER in the SDK) that scans the order and looks for items with this label, and implements some flow to have the employee accept age verification for them.

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aneesh avatar image aneesh Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ commented ·

Thanks Jeffrey !

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smith439 avatar image
smith439 answered yashesapalama Deactivated commented

Sure! As a merchant, I'm exploring age verification options for my orders. I'll check out the apps on Clover's marketplace for a suitable solution.

Additionally, I might consider using an Age Calculator to quickly determine if customers meet the age requirements for certain products.

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