
db088 avatar image
db088 asked Jeffrey Blattman commented

Clover POS back integration

I see documentation and questions about creating custom App that can connect to Clover API/functionality, i.e. custom front-end to the Clover processing but I am interested in opposite integration, where for example I can use Clover order flow but hook-in currently existing systems to retrieve customer information and store order details upon completion of transaction. Is it possible? Can somebody point me to the documentation?

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Jacob Abrams avatar image Jacob Abrams ♦♦ commented ·

It's unclear exactly what you are envisioning. What functionality do you want Clover to perform and what functionality do you want your existing system to perform?

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db088 avatar image db088 commented ·

My company does not want to be involved with payment types like credit card numbers so we want to use the normal Clover processing but when the payment is completed we want to pass payment information to our accounting system.

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Jacob Abrams avatar image Jacob Abrams ♦♦ db088 commented ·

I don't quite understand "My company does not want to be involved with payment types like credit card numbers so we want to use the normal Clover processing".

What is normal processing? Do you want the Clover device to handle credit card payments or you don't want to take credit card payments at all?

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db088 avatar image db088 Jacob Abrams ♦♦ commented ·

We are considering to add our service to the Clover POS that will be installed in some retail locations, we do not care how payment is done (cash, CC, etc) and we do not want to create impression that our service accept credit card numbers but after payment is done by Clover built-in functionality we want customer info and amount passed to our system.

So I was looking for some hook/listener in the Clover that can run custom code on the successful payment completion.

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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ commented ·

Still not exactly clear what you need. Is it the case that you have an existing system that holds order, customer, etc. information, and you just want to "invoke" Clover to perform the credit card transaction... ?

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1 Answer

Jacob Abrams avatar image
Jacob Abrams answered db088 commented

According to my best understanding of your situation you expect Clover devices will handle both order creation by merchant employees and will handle taking customer payments. You simply want information about the orders, customers and payments sent to your backend servers? In that case you need to develop a Clover android app using the clover-android-sdk that listens for paid orders and sends the details to your server.

You may receive the following broadcast intent to have your app get notified when payment occurs:

The broadcast includes the payment and order ids which can used with OrderConnector and CustomerConnector to obtain full details about the order, payment and customer. See our site for more docs and guides on making a Clover Android App and using the Clover Android SDK.

You will need to understand Android development including broadcast receivers:

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db088 avatar image db088 commented ·

Thank you Jacob, I will review the documentation, it does sounds like what I am looking for.

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