
prasadvdv avatar image
prasadvdv asked David Marginian commented

Unable to Find the RAID as per doc


I was trying to implement Payment Connector on Clover Device as per @David Marginian suggestion. I couldn't find the RAID either in sandbox account or developer account I checked as per documentation
There is no field like RAID

Clover MiniPaymentConnector
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

The RAID is not critical for you to test your application. If you would like to generate one create a new app and follow the instructions in the link you provided. Otherwise you can just use a string that uniquely represents your app while testing.

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prasadvdv avatar image prasadvdv commented ·

I couldn't find a option create a RAID in Side Nav

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1574699612848.png (21.8 KiB)
David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ prasadvdv commented ·

That is because it is not in the side nav, and the instructions don't indicate that:

Please read the instructions:

Creating a RAID

  1. Navigate to the Developer Dashboard.
  2. On the side-nav, click the app you want to create a RAID for.
  3. Click App Type.
  4. Select the device type or types used by your integration.
  5. For Is this an integration with an existing point of sale, select the Yes option.
  6. Click Generate RAID.
    A remote app ID is generated.
  7. Click Save.
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