
mikec avatar image
mikec asked mikec commented

Payment status of in flight transaction

We are using the clover connector v3 sdk from a native android app to run payments on the Clover. We are investing an issue where the onSaleResponse callback is never called. We suspect that there is some prompt on the screen that is going unnoticed and holding up the process.

Is there a way to get any information about a transaction that is currently in process? We have tried the retrievePayment method which works great once the payment is completed but will not work if a payment is in flight. Any other way to figure out what is happening?

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered
retrievePayment doesn't return a payment? The sale response is not sent back until a receipt option is selected. It could be the receipt option screen, or a signature or duplicate challenge confirmation.
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mikec avatar image
mikec answered
It's the sale response that we are not getting back sometimes, it's very sporadic. So we are trying to use the retrievePayment request to figure out what is happening but that will not return a response when an actual payment is in process.

Is there any way to determine what is happening in the payment app or get any details as to which transaction is currently being processed?
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited
I understand that it is the sale response you are not getting back.

So we are trying to use the retrievePayment request to figure out what is happening but that will not return a response

It doesn't return a response or it doesn't return a payment? Are you seeing this during development or is this something you are trying to debug in your production app?
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mikec avatar image
mikec answered
We are missing the sale response in production and trying to figure out ways to recover on our dev device. On our dev device, the callback onRetrievePaymentResponse() is not invoked until the current transaction is completed on the device.
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered
Can you reproduce the problem locally or you are just trying to blindly put in protection? It would be nice to see some logs if you can (check adb logcat). Have the merchants that experienced the problems provided any details?
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mikec avatar image
mikec answered
We can't reproduce it locally, we are just trying to fix the symptom at this point to let the POS recover gracefully. We are trying to get more details from merchants but that's like herding cats sometimes :) I can tell from our logs though that the response wasn't received since we log it in the callback first thing.

We have at least a hundred devices in production and it's very sporadic. Some merchants have it happen a lot (a few times day, 1 in 20) and others never run into it.
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered mikec commented
Can you send me a few merchant ids/device ids that are seeing the problem (in a private post - and I can check the device logs. You need to do this on the day of the problem (because of the daily reboots) and give me an approximate time when the transaction started.
10 |2000

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