
hergy80 avatar image
hergy80 asked hergy80 edited

Sandbox REST Pay API Down?

Geting a service unavailable in the sandbox trying to do a REST payment. Everything else (calling for the key, creating an order, etc) is working, but it says gateway unavailable when we send off the payment information to /v2/merchant/mid/pay/key.
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hergy80 avatar image
hergy80 answered hergy80 edited
We determined the problem was we were passing a 0 (ie: $0) for the amount to charge. Instead of returning a usable error message that the data wasn't within parameters, it just failed and said the gateway was unavailable. Hopefully this will save someone a headache in the future.
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Frank Faustino avatar image
Frank Faustino Deactivated answered hergy80 commented
Hi, @hergy80.

Are you still experiencing this issue? Are you able to successfully make a payment using cURL or Postman? We are not currently seeing any issues with our Developer Pay API servers.

Can you please share a code snippet of how you're making payments and the exact error message. One thing to note: to make a payment, make sure it's a POST request to /v2/merchant/mID/pay with the proper JSON payload as outlined here in our documentation.
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