
coder12 avatar image
coder12 asked cherry commented

Access to attach tables to orders

Hi, I am trying to use the api to create a new order and attach a table number to them. Is there any current way to do that.
OrdersREST APIAPI TokenDeveloper Pay API
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cherry avatar image cherry commented ·

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1 Answer

Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered Jeffrey Blattman commented
Clover has no public notion of a table. We have several apps that deal with tables (Tables, and the newer Clover Dining app), but the services behind those apps are not public.

You have your own table management app? In that case you should keep your own mapping from your table structure to a Clover order ID.
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coder12 avatar image coder12 commented ·
@Jeffrey Blattman Thanks for the reply, I see that with clover table, the table number is set to the 'Order:' field when printed in clover dining and is that the order id? Also, if it is, by setting that with a table name from clover dining, will it automatically show the order association to the table in clover dining?
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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ coder12 commented ·

Again, there's no public API for you to use here. We do not expose any API for working with tables.

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