
ycb avatar image
ycb asked ycb commented

can't receive com.clover.intent.action.PAYMENT_PROCESSED broadcast

i was able to receive a com.clover.intent.action.PAYMENT_PROCESSED
broadcast when using cash or credit card .
but i can't receive it using another device (clover Mini) as payment terminal (usp pay).
please help
10 |2000

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Bryanne Vega avatar image
Bryanne Vega answered ycb commented
If you're referring to having for example: 2 minis (A Merchant Farcing, B Customer Facing) I believe the Intent/Filter is different.

I will post back the probable intent but in the mean time:

This might be able to help
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ycb avatar image ycb commented ·
yep, I'm referring to having two clover devices ( 1 merchant facing, 2 customer facing),
I can't find the right action to use on the link above
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Bryanne Vega avatar image Bryanne Vega ycb commented ·

Do you want to display on the customer facing or the merchant facing?

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ycb avatar image ycb Bryanne Vega commented ·

I want to receive the broadcast on the merchant facing device

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Lee Tickett avatar image
Lee Tickett answered
Is working for us in a tethered scenario.
10 |2000

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