
growthzilla avatar image
growthzilla asked Bryanne Vega commented

Refund status on semi-integration mode

How do I get the status of a refund? If the POS restarted/reloaded during a refund in progress and did not receive a response, there doesn't seem to be a way to know the refund succeeded or failed. Any retries will result in a "FAIL" response with no reason provided. Therefore, there is no way to know if the refund succeeded. Is there a way to check on the status of a particular refund, or all refunds associated with a particular payment ID when using CloverConnector?
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Sukhbir Singh avatar image Sukhbir Singh commented ·
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growthzilla avatar image growthzilla Sukhbir Singh commented ·

This is different question. I understand there is a bug (not fixed yet in at least 2 months) that doesn't pass error message when a refund fails. This questions is about checking the status of a refund in case the refund was successful but the requestor did not receive a response, not the error message (reload/disconnect etc.). Because the request is asynchronous, a "missed" response still means the request could have succeeded. There is a <code>retrievePayment</code> call to get the status of a payment. Is there a similar endpoint/method to get the status of refund? Thanks.

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered Bryanne Vega commented
Have you tried using the retrievePayment API that is provided by the SDK (note this only works for payments made within the last 24 hours)? The payment returned may have the related refunds attached. If it does not you can utilize the GetPayment request on the Clover REST API (!/payments/GetPayment). Notice that "refunds" is an expandable field on the payment.
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10 |2000

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Bryanne Vega avatar image Bryanne Vega commented ·
Just call the SDK & get the Refunds for a particular Refund ID (or get the Payment using Payment ID & expand it's refunds). Preferrably when you create a Refund towards a Payment, save that Refund ID.
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