
hobargj avatar image
hobargj asked zgreathouse Deactivated commented

How to use Production API Token to Pull Data


I am working with a brewery that utilizes Clover as their POS and they have asked me to correlate their data with some sensors that were recently installed in their established (beer sales vs. amount of beer poured). I have their merchant ID and have generated a production API Token, however I am still getting the error message "401 Unauthorized". What I am trying to accomplish is to pull the sales data and then filter out all of the data that does not involve beers poured. After the data has been filtered I would import that data into my database to be displayed elsewhere.

Is what I am doing possible - if so, how should I go about doing it? I do not believe that I am looking at the right documentation right now and could use some guidance.
semi-integrationsInventoryAPI TokenProduction
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1 Answer

morenoh149 avatar image
morenoh149 answered
what does your curl look like?
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