
anuragtiwary avatar image
anuragtiwary Suspended asked zgreathouse Deactivated commented

How can I use First data through API on clover station? What is the link of first data Payment API?

I am using clover station for POS. I want to integrate first data payment gateway through APIs. How to integrate first data payment through APIs?
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10 |2000

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anuragtiwary avatar image anuragtiwary commented ·
Thanks zgreathouse for your reply. What does payment through first data refer to , the SDK? As it has been clearly mentioned that we need to use first data for payment. So in how many ways we can process payment on our pos application. Also can we process partial refund in terms of partial amount through sdk
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1 Answer

retailcp avatar image
retailcp answered
Hello ZGreatHouse. Is Clover online e-payment Gateway using First Data Trans Armour tokens via First Data payment gateway ? If Yes. the above question can be " how to integrate Clover Pay API on Production platform "
10 |2000

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