
patricklabreche avatar image
patricklabreche asked patricklabreche edited

Are there essential differences in the APK for production VS sandbox?

We have developed an Android app that works perfectly on sandbox.

The Clover approval team is unable to install the app on their production device. Same APK.

Can anyone help me understand why it works on sandbox and won't even install on production device?
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patricklabreche avatar image patricklabreche commented ·

Hello Chanel,

Thank you for replying. On my sandbox account, I install my app to my device from the 'More Tools' app on my sandbox Clover device. The app installs successfully, and I run and use it without any issues.

I uploaded this APK to my production account for review by Clover. Someone from the semi integrations team has tried installing the APK on their production device, and have sent me those logs. They've stated:

I added the app to my merchant this morning, however the app is not able to download to my device. The log is below.

I copied the logs they sent me, sorry for the length, I copied it all. I've asked them if it was possible for me to test on a production device, as I have no visibility on the issue, and they referred me to the Clover community board. They have since refused to provide an answer beyond asking me to ask on community.

The devices are Clover Flex devices. The app uses the 'Merchant' and 'Employee' permissions. I can provide further details by private emails.

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1 Answer

patricklabreche avatar image
patricklabreche answered
@Chanel Thanks a lot for looking into this, very appreciated!
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