
eatcube avatar image
eatcube asked zgreathouse Deactivated answered

Pending App Approval from a while - eatcube

Hi , Usually how long does it to take to get app approval. Literally, I am writing daily an email from last 10 days requesting to re-test the app. We have spent numerous hours on this app and have a number of restaurants waiting in queue for this app. I don't want to lose this opportunity. We made sure everything is working as per clover app marketplace guidelines. Can anyone here me out by throwing some light on the approval process? FYI. Clover got back to us with some recommendations and we addressed them.
Clover Android SDKApp Market
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eatcube avatar image
eatcube answered eatcube commented
Anyone from clover look at my app and update if there is something pending from our side?
1 comment
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eatcube avatar image eatcube commented ·


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andey avatar image
andey answered
I've been walking since September 24th. Has you're app been approved yet?
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