
nathanreidgo2 avatar image
nathanreidgo2 asked Raymond Lee Deactivated commented

Do I need to use a real bank account in the sandbox?

I'm creating a clover web app following the documentation, and it seems I need to add a pricing option in order to continue with the setup (since I won't be able to install the app on my test merchant acccount otherwise). Since I'm in the sandbox, does this need to be a real bank account or can I just enter a fake one?
App MarketSandboxMerchant
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nathanreidgo2 avatar image
nathanreidgo2 answered
This is the part of the tuturial I'm stuck on: Apparently I can't install the app on any test merchants until I set up pricing.

The pricing screen tells me I need to be approved for payments first:

The Get Paid screen requires a bank account to submit and won't accept the fake data I entered:

What am I missing? If I shouldn't have to enter bank info in the sandbox, how do I get the app installed on my test merchants?

pricing.png (51.6 KiB)
get-paid.png (49.4 KiB)
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nathanreidgo2 avatar image
nathanreidgo2 answered c716524 commented
Nevermind - after more clicking around I discovered that the key is the Preview In App Market link. From there I was able to install the app despite what the documentation says.

preview.png (51.8 KiB)
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c716524 avatar image c716524 commented ·

It is still strange. I have a "Edit pricing" link at the place where you have just "Pricing. You cannot...". Following the link you can enter different subscription prices for several countries. I think you will need this also for testing subscription functionality. You could try creating a new app without entering any parameters besides the name and check if it is still like this.

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nathanreidgo2 avatar image
nathanreidgo2 answered Raymond Lee Deactivated commented
@Raymond Lee Thanks - I just signed in today and I can now edit the pricing. I'm guessing you guys took care of it?
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