
psm avatar image
psm asked Raymond Lee Deactivated answered

Retrieve magstripe data without submit a payment

Can i retrieve the MagStripe data (KSN, track1..) and send it directly to my payment gateway?
10 |2000

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Raymond Lee avatar image
Raymond Lee Deactivated answered
No you cannot, there are two reasons for this:

1. We do not expose magstripe data for security reasons.

2. We require developers to use Clover for payment processing, and do not allow the use of external payment gateways.
10 |2000

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psm avatar image
psm answered
Thanks Raymond, will i be able to retrieve your payment processing result then?(PNRef, hostCode...) and then call my own webService to save these data for our reporting software?
10 |2000

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Raymond Lee avatar image
Raymond Lee Deactivated answered
Yes, you can retrieve the payment processing result, how detailed the result will depend on if you are the one initiating the payment sale request, or if you are retrieving past payments in general. PNRef and hostCode are both specific to Paypal's Payflow Gateway, but we have equivalent data fields.

If you are the one initiating the payment sale request using our PaymentConnector, it will return a SaleResponse object that contains the Payment object and the result, reason, and detailed message on whether the payment succeeded. The Payment object will contain the unique Clover Payment UUID associated with the payment, as well as other Payment details, documented here.

If you are only looking for past payments you will only miss out on the reason and detailed message that come with payment failures. You can get past payments using our REST API's getPayments endpoint. If through the Android SDK using an Android App on our Clover devices, you can retrieve the Orders through OrderConnector, then call getPayments() on each Order to retrieve the Payment objects.
10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

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