
Lee Tickett avatar image
Lee Tickett asked Raymond Lee Deactivated commented

ACTION_SECURE_PAY with Station and Tethered Mini

Until now we have been using ACTION_CLOVER_PAY. We would like to move to ACTION_SECURE_PAY to provide a more seamless integration.
However, on testing, this doesn't appear to work when the station is tethered to a mini (i.e. the Station prompts for a card swipe but the mini isn't prompting for NFC/EMV etc).
Is there a way to get this working?
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1 Answer

Raymond Lee avatar image
Raymond Lee Deactivated answered Raymond Lee Deactivated commented
Hi @Lee Tickett,

Yes, currently it is not possible to launch the Secure Pay App remotely on a tethered Mini using the ACTION_SECURE_PAY intent. I will submit an enhancement request ticket for this feature for you.

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Iveta Ivanova avatar image Iveta Ivanova commented ·

Hi @Raymond Lee.
What is the state if this issue?
I'm asking because we need the same functionality for our app.

Iveta Ivanova

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Raymond Lee avatar image Raymond Lee Iveta Ivanova commented ·

Hi @Lee Tickett, @iveta_ivanova,

I have heard back regarding the request, and it is not intended for ACTION_SECURE_PAY to launch on the tethered Mini, so you will have to continue to use ACTION_CLOVER_PAY.

The only exception is if you are building your own POS app (which means you are a semi-integration), in which then you can use our remote-pay-android sdk to launch Secure Pay on the tethered Mini. This would mean you would not be using our Register app at all though.

You will have to provide more information on what you are trying to do / what your app is trying to do, in order for us to know for certain whether you can achieve what you are looking for.

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