
chrispetchey avatar image
chrispetchey asked blockbench answered

3DSecure - more information required

I'm implementing 3DSecure in my iframe implementation as per this doc:

I dont understand the "cryptogram" parameter. What are valid values?
The values shown in the sample at the bottom of that page ("cryptogram": "11B5 2345 49C3 C4DD 931A 27BD 8CA3 CD82")
returns an error suggesting that it doesnt match the regex requirement.

"cryptogram": "11B5" works!

Also, what is the "authentication_status" parameter for? Am I telling clover charge endpoint what the authentication status is? I dont understand

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parquet76 avatar image
parquet76 answered chrispetchey commented

Have you seen the docs? They explain the parameters -

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chrispetchey avatar image chrispetchey commented ·

Yes. I've seen the docs. I said so in my question.

I'm trying to implement this for website iframe.

In the "create a charge" restapi docs it shows a parameter "threeds" which contains an authentication_result object. One of the parameters of that object is "cryptogram". The required input value isnt clear.

I dont understand how to use this. The create a charge tutorial just says "expand the object ot check entries"

My understanding is that when a "customer not present" transaction occurs the customer will receive an SMS notification or similar

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blockbench avatar image
blockbench answered

The "cryptogram" parameter in 3DSecure represents a securely encrypted value for the transaction, and its format must match the specific requirements outlined in your payment provider's documentation, such as Clover's. If a cryptogram like "11B5 2345 49C3 C4DD 931A 27BD 8CA3 CD82" triggers an error, it could be due to an invalid format or length. As for the "authentication_status" parameter, it informs the Clover charge endpoint of the success or failure of the 3D Secure authentication, guiding the system's next steps. If you're looking to create interactive 3D models and animations for payments or other systems, you can also explore tools like Blockbench, which simplifies 3D design and modeling.

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