
agentfriday avatar image
agentfriday asked domainesia answered

Still no way to tip adjust e-commerce payments?

Only thing I could find wis this post from 2021: . Has anything changed since then?

This is an integral part of our restaurant-inudstry ordering site (using tip line on printed receipt), and all other e-commerce gateways we've integrated with have supported tip adjustments at capture. This is just an accepted part of the restaurant online ordering model. Do you still not support it?

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ayeshakat avatar image
ayeshakat answered ayeshakat edited

I have no clue what do I don't think they support jewellok

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domainesia avatar image
domainesia answered

There hasn't been much progress on adjusting tips for online orders with Clover's eCommerce API. Many e-commerce gateways do support tip adjustments at the time of capture, which is crucial for industries like restaurants where tipping is an integral part of the business model. If Clover hasn't implemented this feature yet, you might need to explore alternative solutions or third-party integrations that provide this functionality. If you need a reliable platform for hosting your e-commerce site and managing payments smoothly, Domainesia offers excellent solutions that could help streamline your operations.

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