
guachi avatar image
guachi asked sicamap1 answered

Does anyone know of a Barcode scanner that works well with Clover? I want something with good price/quality balance.

Been looking at a lot of brands lately and I really can´t decide yet. Amazon reviews aren´t helpful as I feel like a ton of barcode scanner brands just buy reviews (a lot of them seem fake). Anybody got any ideas? Planning a re-opening soon.

Clover Stationbarcode scanner
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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·

Are you a Clover merchant? This forum is for developers that build apps on our platform to get development assistance. If you are a Clover merchant you should contact Clover support for assistance.

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greyskymedia avatar image
greyskymedia answered

Like Bryan said, this is really intended for developers who are building apps. But... in addition to the standard "recommended" scanners that Clover recommends, like the Zebra 9208 (, you should also checkout Scan Avenger's SA9000 (, it's a bit cheaper, supports point n shoot or continuous scan, and is wireless. The main reason I'd say to give them a look is because they back all their sales with actual customer service people.

Usually these scanners work out of the box, but while supporting customers for our app, Assign Customers (, I've found that some scanning devices need to be reprogrammed, and frankly and it can be a royal pain to figure out how to do that. Scan Avenger is always available, and they'll help you get the scanner working. It makes my life way easier, tbh.

Good luck with the re-opening, and hey, give Assign Customers a glance to see if it'd be helpful to you :)

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sicamap1 avatar image
sicamap1 answered

Finding a reliable barcode scanner for Clover can be challenging, especially when balancing price and quality. Many business owners seek an affordable yet efficient scanner that seamlessly integrates with Clover’s POS system. Popular options include Zebra, Honeywell, and TaoTronics scanners, known for their compatibility and speed. Wireless and Bluetooth models offer flexibility, while wired options ensure stability. Additionally, if you need to scan QR code online, consider web-based solutions for quick lookups. When choosing a scanner, ensure it supports 1D and 2D barcodes for versatility. Researching customer reviews and compatibility will help you make the best choice.

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