
dhanaraj avatar image
dhanaraj asked Raymond Lee Deactivated answered

Is it possible to pass customer card details to secure pay app

I want to made a secure payment using customer saved card details.Is it possible.
10 |2000

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1 Answer

Raymond Lee avatar image
Raymond Lee Deactivated answered
Hi @Dhanaraj,

Unfortunately, you cannot pass saved card details (vaulted cards) into the Secure Pay app.

Currently in order to make a payment with a vaulted card, you will have to use our Developer Pay API, or through the CloverConnector (although this is more for Semi-Integration).

We will be providing the ability to make payments with a vaulted card natively through the PaymentConnector in the near future, but I do not have a specific ETA on when that will be released.

Hope that helps,

10 |2000

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