
klkaso avatar image
klkaso asked toxatyt answered

Tap to pay on iPhone

Hello we are a POS provider that are integrated with Clover through iOS semi integration, and we were wondering if Tap to Pay on iPhone - is available for other developers to use in their POS. Could please let me know if there is dev API/SDK for Tap to Pay on iPhone?

Remote Pay iOS
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kerry234 avatar image
kerry234 answered

As i know first ensure that your iPhone supports NFC and has the necessary hardware. Currently, iPhone models starting from iPhone 6 and newer support Tap to Pay and it's important to note that Tap to Pay and Apple Pay availability can vary by country and region. Additionally, not all banks and card issuers support Apple Pay, so make sure to check with your financial institution if you encounter any issues.

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klkaso avatar image
klkaso answered

Hello Kerry, thanks for your response here, but my question is related to the Tap to pay on iPhone where you can use an iPhone as a payment terminal to accept cards payments using Apple latest features.

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markschultz avatar image
markschultz answered markschultz edited

For mobile payments, I’ve always been a bit cautious, but once I got used to the tap-to-pay feature on my iPhone, it’s been a game-changer. It’s so convenient to just tap my phone instead of pulling out a card every time. If you’re using a service like this, having a reliable bank behind it is crucial for security and ease of use. I’ve personally had a positive experience with rbc phone number support whenever I’ve had questions. Their customer service is responsive and knowledgeable, so I’d definitely recommend them if you’re looking for a solid banking option to complement mobile payments!

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toxatyt avatar image
toxatyt answered

Mobile betting greatly simplifies the process of predicting events due to instant access to information and analytics. In the Pari-Bet application this website I am always up to date with current data on matches, team and player statistics. All this data helps me make more informed predictions, which significantly increases my chances of success. The application allows me to follow the changes in odds in real time, and also makes forecasts and recommendations from experts available. This makes the betting process more convenient and accurate. If you want to improve your betting process, I recommend using Pari-Bet to have all the tools you need to bet successfully.

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