
michalama avatar image
michalama asked sinan answered

API Reference Documentation Not Accessible

The API reference documentation is currently inaccessible. Users are reporting numerous 'fetch is not defined' errors in the console. Can someone fix the server configuration to restore access to the documentation?

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bakr10 avatar image bakr10 commented ·

thumbs up for it.

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fabianjarvis avatar image fabianjarvis bakr10 commented ·

It seems that there is an issue with the server configuration preventing users from accessing the API reference documentation. The specific error, fetch is not defined, typically occurs when a JavaScript environment (such as Node.js) does not support the fetch API natively, or when there is a misconfiguration in the way the client-side code communicates with the server.

Possible Causes

  1. Server Misconfiguration:

    • The server hosting the API reference documentation may not be properly handling requests, resulting in an inability to fetch the necessary resources.
  2. Environment Issue:

    • If the documentation uses fetch on the backend or in an environment that does not natively support it (e.g., older Node.js versions), this error could occur.
  3. CORS Issues:

    • Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) settings on the server may be improperly configured, preventing the client-side fetch from accessing the required resources.
  4. Broken Script Files:

    • The documentation’s scripts may be missing or incorrectly referenced, leading to JavaScript errors such as fetch is not defined.
  5. Server Downtime:

    • The server hosting the documentation may be temporarily down or facing technical issues. checking r350 status
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sadaf-kanwal83 avatar image sadaf-kanwal83 commented ·

If the API reference documentation is not accessible, it may hinder the development process and create delays in implementing features. Ensure you have the correct permissions and check your internet connection. For those interested in Roblox scripting tools, you can Download Delta Executor iOS to enhance your scripting experience. Always ensure tools and resources are properly accessible to avoid workflow disruptions.

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sitecountry avatar image sitecountry commented ·

The "fetch is not defined" error usually indicates a problem with the server configuration or runtime environment. Ensure the server hosting the API documentation is running correctly, CORS headers are properly set, and the fetch API is available (use node-fetch in Node.js). Restart the server and check for any missing dependencies.

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sinan avatar image
sinan answered

Anger of Sticks" likely refers to an expression of frustration or violence using physical force, possibly symbolizing a response to conflict. It could be a metaphor for the destructive nature of unresolved rage, where "sticks" represent tools or weapons used in anger.

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