
poieodev avatar image
poieodev asked poieodev answered

Developer/Sandbox Account Logging out

Every time I go to access my test accounts API Keys, it logs out the test account and developer account?? I can't access the API Keys in the test merchant settings anymore.

If I'm correct, this is the proper way to test API requests in sandbox since there isn't a way to "login" after using 'oauth/v2/authorize' API endpoint.

SandboxOAuthAPI Token
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hostmycode answered

You're encountering an issue where accessing API Keys in the test merchant settings logs you out of both the test and developer accounts. This can sometimes happen if there's a session management issue or if the authentication token has expired. You’re right that the oauth/v2/authorize API endpoint is typically used for obtaining an authorization token for testing purposes, but it’s important to ensure that your session remains valid for the duration of the test. To resolve this, try checking your session management settings or refreshing the token to maintain the session. For hosting and managing your API requests securely, HostMyCode offers reliable solutions.

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poieodev avatar image
poieodev answered

This will not solve the issue. I cannot make any changes to my test merchants without being logged out.

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