
leobufibarrameda avatar image
leobufibarrameda asked raymondpickering answered

Clover Android vitals

Hi guys,

Does clover have an Android vitals? Something like this:

Because with this, this will help clover developers to figure out which and where it crashes.

Best Regards

- Leo

Clover Android SDK
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etherealestelle avatar image
etherealestelle answered

Have you checked out Clover Android Vitals? It's such a handy tool for optimizing app performance and keeping things running smoothly. For a deeper dive, the blog has some awesome insights that really break it all down. Oh, and don't miss Wisp Willow—it's a gem when it comes to blending functionality with aesthetics. Totally worth exploring!

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firacode avatar image
firacode answered

Currently, Clover does not have a direct integration with Android Vitals, which provides insights into app performance, crashes, and other key metrics through the Google Play Console. However, Clover developers can still monitor app crashes and performance issues using Android's native tools like Firebase Crashlytics or through third-party crash reporting services. These tools provide detailed crash reports, performance metrics, and insights into where and why crashes occur, helping developers to troubleshoot and improve app stability.

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raymondpickering avatar image
raymondpickering answered

It's interesting to see how developer support improves app performance. Tools like crash analytics are essential for identifying those tricky bugs. Speaking of engaging experiences, if you’re looking for a fun distraction, try Papa's Freezeria ! It’s a great way to take a break while subtly honing your time-management skills.

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