
jamin-paul avatar image
jamin-paul asked etherealestelle answered

Clover mini WiFi external printer connection

can I connect my clover mini to a star tsp 100 while my mini is connected through WiFi? I saw that you cannot add a printer to the mini through the usb, but to connect them both to the router. I use a wifi hot spot for my mini. how can I connect an external printer.

Clover MiniPrint
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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered

I assume you are speaking about an ethernet TSP100. There is also a USB version.

If you have a WiFi access point with ethernet ports you can connect the printer there and the mini on WiFi should be able to see printer. That's how APs usually work.

Also, as of fairly recently you should be able to use a USB TSP100 with Clover devices that have a built-in printer. This was done for internal testing and doesn't imply official support for the TSP100.

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etherealestelle avatar image
etherealestelle answered

If you're having trouble with your Clover mini WiFi external printer connection, you're not alone! It can be tricky to get everything linked up just right. A helpful tip is to check your Geometry Spot settings to ensure the right network and signals are aligned. If you’re still having issues, visiting Global Wiza Hub might give you the extra support you need. Don’t forget, it’s always good to double-check connections and restart everything for the best results. Hope this helps, and happy printing!

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