
clover7062378 avatar image
clover7062378 asked mattheworton answered

how to reprint customer receipt using clover C# API?

how to reprint customer payment receipt and refund receipt using clover C# API?
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mattheworton avatar image
mattheworton answered

Hello, I have a C# program to take payments from our customers credit cards. But we use Payeezy, not Clover. But now we have a new client who has to use Clover instead of Payeezy, which is going away.
I would like to see an example of C# code that makes the API calls to take VISA, Master card and Am EX. payments. I would take you to lunch, next time you are in UTAH if you could share some C# code with me.

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mattheworton avatar image
mattheworton answered

If you can, you could email me at

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