
saranadshi5 avatar image
saranadshi5 asked brandonsiler answered

How to find food veg or non-veg by clover API


I am working with Clover API, where can I find the food was veg or non-veg

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered

I am not sure this is an API question at this point. I would expect you want to categorize your inventory items correctly first.

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brandonsiler avatar image
brandonsiler answered

To find food options, whether veg or non-veg, using the Clover API, you can query the menu items available at various restaurants. By accessing their menu data, you can filter based on dietary preferences. For instance, if you’re looking for a delicious mix and match burger simply search for burgers and check the ingredients or customization options. The API allows you to retrieve details about each item, helping you select your preferred combination of ingredients, whether vegetarian or non-vegetarian.

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