
hardikadroja510 avatar image
hardikadroja510 asked anthonylyles answered

where i can get login code?

I am trying to login in sandbox account after enter email and password i got bellow screen


it asking for,

"Enter your verification code

Look for the code in your authentication app."

so where i can get this code?

i have only emulator not any physical device.

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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·
This is the two factor auth(2FA) that was setup on your account. If it says it's from your authentication app, you should have set it up. If you are unable to, please private message your developer ID so I can help you log in. Once you are logged in you have to reset up 2FA on your account.
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anthonylyles avatar image
anthonylyles answered

You can get a login code via email, SMS, or an authentication app like Google Authenticator, depending on the service you're using.

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