
aakashmcoderz avatar image
aakashmcoderz asked ritayougs answered

App Pending for Approval on Production, ID 95BJR1W5VFBVM

The prolonged delay in reviewing my app on the Prod-US store has led to significant business losses. It's been 20 days with no action or response from the Clover team despite my efforts to seek clarification. Urgent intervention and communication are needed to address this situation.
Please revert.

App Marketapp approvalsProduction
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bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered

Hello, I will have DevRel update you

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bigbear avatar image
bigbear answered bigbear edited

Friday Night Funkin' is not only an exciting music game but also a unique work of art, with attractive music and a unique visual style.

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ritayougs avatar image
ritayougs answered

Managing apps in production can be a tedious task, but finding reliable resources makes the process easier. While exploring solutions, I came across the bons official platform, which offers helpful features for smooth app management and deployment. My experience with their tools was remarkable, as they simplify approvals and optimize performance. Whether you’re a developer or administrator, using such resources can save time and enhance efficiency. If you’re facing similar challenges, I highly recommend giving this platform a try—it’s a practical solution to streamline app-related tasks and ensure everything runs smoothly in production.

10 |2000

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