
alexneem avatar image
alexneem asked alexneem answered

Custom Tender not showing


I am trying to develop a custom tender. I have used the examples you provide. I call the method checkAndCreateTender and I get a success response. When I open the Setup app on the device and view "Tenders Accepted", I can see my tender which I have created. However, when I go to the Register app and try to put an order through, I don't see my custom tender listed under "Other". Any ideas why this is?


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1 Answer

alexneem avatar image
alexneem answered
Ok, I have created an Ionic (cordova) app and written a Java plugin which implements the native calls via the Clover SDK. It looks like I have not done this bit...

You will need to declare an MERCHANT_TENDER intent-filter in the AndroidManifest.xml in order for Android to resolve any intents to your activity. Set exported to true.

Is that what registers the tender with the register? Does name refer to the actual Java class? Because my app is going through the plugin so I'm a bit unsure how to do this if that is the case.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

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