Hello, I am having issues making a telecheck charge in production. I can get the token OK but posting the charge gives me back an error 402 Payment Required.
Token request post to https://token.clover.com/v1/tokens (personal info removed) -
"ach": {
"bank_account_number": "XXX",
"bank_routing_number": "XXX",
"check_type": "Personal_check",
"account_type": "Checking",
"customer_id_type": "driver_license",
"customer_id_state": "IL",
"customer_id": "XXX",
"first_name": "XXX",
"last_name": "XXX",
"address_line1": "XXX",
"address_city": "XXX",
"address_state": "IL",
"address_zip": "XXX",
"phone": "XXX",
"email": "hi@example.com",
"agreement": {
"agreement_id": "4f77df6d-70c9-4f36-af1d-f8ad1ad7b0cc",
"locale": "en_US",
"template_data": "firstName:XXX"
I get the token in the response and then make a post to https://scl.clover.com/v1/charges with the token as the source and I receive the following response -
"message": "402 Payment Required",
"error": {
"code": "card_declined",
"message": "0 - Error - Invalid value for field",
"charge": "B11V0CCRQN5AJ",
"declineCode": "issuer_declined"
Any help would be appreciated, thank you.