
sanjayait16 avatar image
sanjayait16 asked kcfdaniel answered

401 Unauthorized Error with Clover Emulator

After setting up the Clover Mini 3 emulator in Android Studio (following a YouTube demo and configuring it with Clover Engine and Updater in Sandbox mode), we frequently encounter a "401 Unauthorized" error during login. The login is only successful intermittently—approximately 1–2 times out of 50 attempts. Additionally, while navigating within the app, we encounter an "Enter Employee Passcode" screen, and when attempting to create an employee, we receive the error: "The Server is temporarily unavailable. Please try again." Any help would thankful.

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1 Answer

kcfdaniel avatar image
kcfdaniel answered

this is has been happening for years...same is happening to me, this is the most frustrating thing I've experienced in my life

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