
skodama avatar image
skodama asked rachel Deactivated commented

Clover Example POS can't connect to the Clover Mini via USB

I'm trying to test the semi-integration method on Windows 10 (Protocol: .NET DLL) but the provided example POS cannot connect to the Clover Mini.

I tried the following:

  1. Install the latest semi-integration package for Windows with the USB Device type connection
  2. Restart the PC
  3. Disconnect the Clover Mini from the PC and start the Example POS (POS Status: Not Connected)
  4. Start USB Pay Display at the Clover Mini and connect the device to the PC (POS Status: Connecting...)
  5. Android Accessory Interface shows up in the PC's device manager at "Other Devices" section. The device properties shows that there are no suitable drivers for this device.
  6. The status at the Example POS stays as "Connecting..." and does not proceed. If I try to make a purchase at the POS, Device Error pops up saying that the Clover device is not connected.

The USB Pay Display version is 1.0-107, which should be the latest available version.

10 |2000

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1 Answer

skodama avatar image
skodama answered

I have downloaded and installed the CloverUSBDriverSetup.exe at clover/remote-pay-windows as per instructed at the comments and the problem was resolved.

The instructions at Download CloverSDKSetup&Connect to Clover Device - Clover Developer Docs is misleading at the "Download & run the..." section, which states that the CloverSetupSDK.exe will install all the necessary drivers.

Thanks for the help!

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