
kcfdaniel avatar image
kcfdaniel asked recoverslimy answered

Unable to add Employee to Test Merchant

I logged in through

I cannot add employee to the Test Merchant. Seeing "The server is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later." message when I click "Save".

This has been an issue for me for a few days already, doesn't seem like a temporary issue:


I just don't understand why still say that the service is operational...


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sanjayait16 avatar image sanjayait16 commented ·

Still I am facing this issue, is there any workaround to fix this?

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shopventory avatar image
shopventory answered

I am seeing the same thing, it looks like it 404s when trying to hit the roles api?

Are you also kidding with the maximum image size being 0.5 megabytes? What year is this, 1998?



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barakahdigital avatar image
barakahdigital answered

Facing the same issue.

10 |2000

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recoverslimy avatar image
recoverslimy answered

that's not my neighbor seems like there is an issue with accessing the roles API; I am also seeing this.

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