
abhishekp2 avatar image
abhishekp2 asked abhishekp2 answered

Not able to recover clover community account.

I have lost my clover community password, and I am trying to forget the password and it is showing "An email has been sent with your temporary login key" message but didn't getting any mail on my register email ID.

Please let me know what should I do?

clover developer community
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abhishekp2 avatar image
abhishekp2 answered

Hi Clover Team,

Is there any update?

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wm1 avatar image
wm1 answered

You might as well create a new account, but whats the point? It looks like Clover/Fiserv completely dropped the ball on devs. This forum is basically just spam, and there's zero response from devrel via email. We have accounts and apps pending approval for months now and noone from Clover ever responds to any questions here.

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abhishekp2 avatar image
abhishekp2 answered

Yeah exactly and it's sad. let me know your issue would be great if i can help you.

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