
blueleaves avatar image
blueleaves asked blueleaves commented

Modifier Pop Up Fragment

Hello, all.

I have a few questions concerning the automatic pop-up 'Modifier' page that instantiates when a user clicks an item in the register app that is part of a modifier group.

As it is described in the user documentation, if enabled in the Inventory app for a modifier group, a UI fragment will appear in the register app when a user adds an item:

"When adding an item associated with a modifier group:

Tap on the item you wish to add to the order. When the modifiers pop up, select the modifiers to add to the item. Tap the Done button when finished."

The documentation later goes on to explain that this won't automatically happen if you don't associate an item with a modifier group, or if this option is disabled in the Inventory app.

My question is more or less this:

Whilst using an OrderConnector to add a LineItem to an order, and then making a remote call to the register app to load this order, how can I enable it so that when I make this call, this modifier page automatically loads for a specific item that has a modifier group (given that only one item will be added to this order)? When I make the call to the Register app using either intent com.clover.intent.action.STARTREGISTER or com.intent.action.ITEMSELECT, the item is automatically added but there is no modifier screen. Should I use some other class(es) instead of OrderConnector to do this? Is this even possible?

All answers are much appreciated! Thanks!

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1 Answer

Jacob Abrams avatar image
Jacob Abrams answered blueleaves commented

I don't think there is a way to do what you want. It sounds like you have your own user interface that starts an order with some line items in it already and you want to then pass that order to Register? You can do that but yes Register won't automatically detect all the necessary modifiers and prompt for them. You will need to make sure that your app prompts for necessary modifiers to any line items that you add.

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Jacob Abrams avatar image Jacob Abrams ♦♦ commented ·

Hmm yeah what you are trying to do makes sense, unfortunately when I looked through the source code in our register app the only way I see that the UI for modifier prompt is invoked is through an actual click of the item in the Register app itself. So I still think the only way to accomplish what you want to do is to create your own custom UI that looks and behaves similar to register.

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blueleaves avatar image blueleaves commented ·

Thank you for the answer.

I guess I would like to rephrase my question a bit (make it a little more generalized):

If we add an Inventory Line Item to an order in the Register app using a shortcut from a keyboard, can we then prompt the Register app to open up the "Modifiers" associated with that Inventory Line Item?

I was not planning on creating a UI, but instead have these items added to the current order via a shortcut key press from a keyboard. I wish so that when this item is added, the Modifier prompt is displayed (the same UI when "edit modifiers" is clicked).

Is this possible?

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