
celiahusmann avatar image
celiahusmann asked mary commented

How can I add a bottle deposit?

We sell glass bottled beverages that include a deposit for the bottle. Is there a way to charge for the bottle deposit, without including it in the price of the entire beverage? On the flip side, is there a way to deduct a bottle deposit when someone returns the bottle, without ringing it up as a discount?

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1 Answer

Jacob Abrams avatar image
Jacob Abrams answered mary commented

You can use the Inventory app to create a Modifier group called "Bottle Deposit". Add a single Modifier again called "Bottle Deposit" and set the price appropriately. Set Min and Max values of the Modifier Group to 1 and 1. Now go to the Items section and tap the "Bulk Edit" button at the top of the screen. Tap on all the bottled items you sell that require the deposit, then click "Apply Modifiers" button and click on the "Bottle Deposit" and tap "Apply" button. You can also do this using the Clover web dashboard instead of on the device if you prefer. Now when you use the Register app to checkout it will require selecting the bottle deposit modifier upon selling any of those items which will appear separately on the receipt and be refunded correctly as well.

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mary avatar image mary commented ·

Can you add a non tax modifier to a taxable item?

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