
pissedandhungry avatar image
pissedandhungry asked nerthgray3 sent

Unacceptable Online Ordering Experience - Platform Never Works!

I am writing to express my extreme frustration with your online ordering system. It is absolutely infuriating that I've been unable to place an order through your website due to constant errors and ridiculous "validation" failures.

The platform consistently displays error messages claiming that my address cannot be found or that the cardholder name is missing. However, I've checked repeatedly and there are NO FIELDS FOR ADDRESS OR CARDHOLDER NAME TO INPUT! It's like you're trying to sabotage your own sales.

Key points:

• The order form is completely broken and inaccessible • Error messages contradict the actual interface • There's no way to provide required information • Every attempt ends in failure

This is completely unacceptable. As a paying customer, I expect to be able to place orders easily and efficiently. Instead, your poorly designed system is preventing me from doing so.

I demand that you fix this broken platform immediately. Provide a functioning order form with proper fields for all required information. Stop displaying false error messages that mislead users.

Until then, I will be forced to take my business (and my money) elsewhere. Your incompetence is driving away potential customers.

10 |2000

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