
hardikmehta avatar image
hardikmehta asked David Marginian commented

Atomic orders line item object in UnitQty(for place single lineitem with more than 1 Quantity)

when order placing using new Atomic order api. I need to add one line items with multiple Quantity then please suggest parameter name so using it i can place one line items with multiple quantity.
i have used unitQty as per your guideline doc. but it is not working
in below request i have mentioned "unitQty": 4000 but order place with 1 Qty of line item. please check and suggest any solution


"orderCart": {

"lineItems": [


"item": {

"id": "Itemid...."


"printed": "false",

"modifications": [


"modifier": {

"price": 100,

"modifierGroup": {

"id": "XYZ"


"id": "QWE",

"name": "QWE Name"


"id": "QWE",

"name": "QWE Name",

"amount": 400



"modifier": {

"modifierGroup": {}




"printGroup": {},

"unitQty": 4000,

"note": "item wise note",

"name": "Item Full name"



"currency": "USD",

"title": "Test order"



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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

I believe each item in the array represents a single item regardless of what parameters are passed.

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hardikmehta avatar image hardikmehta commented ·

Thanks for the quick response.
1) Is there any PARAM so using it i can place one item with multiple QTY? or i need to add item same object multiple time on atomic order request?
i know if we pass same object 2 time then we can place same item with 2 QTY but this is not valid solution if you have any other good solution please let me know.
Thanks in advance.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ hardikmehta commented ·

No, the only way to add multiple items that I am aware of is to add them individually.

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