
aayesha avatar image
aayesha asked

Unable to create the item in inventory with the modifier group id. getting the error message.

Payload: {"hidden": "false", "available": "true", "autoManage": "false", "defaultTaxRates": "true", "isRevenue": "false", "modifierGroups": [{"showByDefault": "true", "id": "DJFBF0B1N3SDW"}], "name": "Aloo Mutter", "price": 1599.0, "tags": [{"name": "Packaging"}, {"name": "Kitchen"}, {"name": "Station"}]}

Response: b'{"message":"No group with ID DJFBF0B1N3SDW"}'

please check there is already modifier group exist for the id given still it return error message.

OrdersApp MarketInventory
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