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Create Orders from Native IOS/Android App using Clover APIS

Hi ,
We have wonderful customer ordering native apps which are fully functional and live.. We are trying to extend the reach of business owners by creating orders directly in clover station so that they omit double entry of records.

So I got developer kit ,Did some proof of concept.. created orders in clover using API's . but in production environment since we use auth2.0 api's ..Are these supposed to be used only in APP market place??

Can anyone let me know if we can create orders from our apps using clover API's? I am little confused need some help here? Our strategy was -We will create order receiving app in Clover App market and upon acceptance will push it regular clover order screen... but what i see is API's needs to be used only in clover app market place ? is this true ?

I am newbie to clover app development, Please throw some light if you can?
OrdersApp Market
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