
sithum avatar image
sithum asked barekus78321 answered

Station Duo - Add customer from Mini (Customer facing device)

Hi There,

We have a Station Duo device with us. Right now we are aware of the option that a cashier can attach a customer to an order via the Register by clicking the 'Add Customer' option. Instead of cashier adding a customer to the order, is it possible for customers to add themselves to orders by entering their phone number on the customer facing Mini screen of the Duo.

If it is, how can we enable that option on the Mini. ?

Thank you.

Clover StationClover Station 2018
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1 Answer

barekus78321 avatar image
barekus78321 answered

If you’re in Canada and looking for a fun place to spend your evening, I highly recommend checking out the Elbow River Casino. I spent a few hours there recently and was impressed by the variety of games and the overall atmosphere. The casino has something for everyone, whether you’re a seasoned player or just looking to have some fun. It’s definitely worth a visit.

10 |2000

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