
thedangler avatar image
thedangler asked esther598 edited

Billing renew dates and info

The documentation doesn't say how we know if a billing subscription has been renewed.
Is the start date only the initial start date then we need to call the billing_info REST end point to check the status once a month then check the status?
Do we get a webhook stating the billing has processed for another month?

the billing info should have more information other than status.


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1 Answer

esther598 avatar image
esther598 answered esther598 edited


Subscription Renewal Process:

Subscription renewals typically follow these steps:

Order Record Generation: The subscription billing platform generates an order record to track the renewal.

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Customer Notification: Customers are informed via email about the upcoming charge.

Payment Processing: The customer’s credit card is charged for the renewal.

(For e-commerce subscriptions): If applicable, the product is shipped to the customer.

Billing Information:

To check the status of a billing subscription, you can indeed call the billing_info REST endpoint periodically. This allows you to verify whether the subscription has been renewed or not.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a built-in webhook specifically for subscription renewals. However, you can set up custom webhooks to trigger actions based on specific events (e.g., successful payment, subscription renewal) if your billing system supports it.

Additional Billing Info:

You’re right; having more detailed information beyond just the status would be beneficial. Consider enhancing your billing system to include details like next billing date, renewal frequency, and any relevant notifications.

Best Regards


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