
mybmr avatar image
mybmr asked matthewroger answered

KIOSK mode automatically exit after reboot.

Greeting of the day,

I developed one KIOSK Mode application. The KIOSK Mode is working fine until the device reboot it's self schedule time. Once device is rebooted the PassCode screen came and it's goto black screen.

Is any way we can disable reboot or by pass PassCode screen once it's reboot.

Because I'm developing stand alone application, Right every we need come and type PassCode

every day after reboot.



Clover Android SDK
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tickettenterprises avatar image
tickettenterprises answered

@MYBMR you cannot disable the reboot on the device, but you can adjust the time the device reboots. This would allow the user to cancel the reboot.
To do this you open the settings on the device -> About device -> Reboot time

Then you can change to during operating hours.

Alternatively you there does appears to be a similar post that asks about by passing the lock screen that might help

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matthewroger avatar image
matthewroger answered

It's great to see proactive community engagement addressing the kiosk mode reboot issue on Clover devices. The shared experiences and potential solutions contribute significantly to improving user experience and system reliability! - WikilyTech

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